Join our quarterly tune-up Tribe!

DO you SERVICE YOUR CAR MORE THAN YOU SERVICE your body??   hopefully not!  Ensure your body's on the right track and moving well...for the entire year! take advantage of this comprehensive program, all right here in tuscarawas county, Ohio!

Meet Wendy Kourie, LMT, PTA,
Owner of Align Massotherapy & a local partner in health

Credentials:                                                                                                                                     Services Currently Offered:

- Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), Stark State College 2023                                  - Swedish Massage
- Certified Myokinesthetic Practitioner (MYK),                                                                   - Therapeutic Massage
Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA), Stark State College 1990                                       - Cupping
                                                                                                                                                             - Hot Stones
                                                                                                                                                             - Craniosacral
                                                                                                                                                             - Taping

Wendy's Philosophy and Treatment Approach:
"After many years in the medical field, I saw a need for a more holistic, and self-directed approach to improving and maintaining ones’ own health. Committed to improving and expanding my services through continuing education, learning techniques ranging from new to ancient, allowing me to use the best of both."  

MYK (Myokinesthetic therapy) a technique that allows postural imbalances to be corrected using soft tissue and our bodies nervous system to loosen and tighten muscles therefore returning structural components of the body to a more neutral position, which decreases pain and improves function.  

     IMPORTANT: You Don't Want To Miss These Special Bonuses!

    Join Today And Get This Irresistible Stack:

    Tune-up Tribe Benefit 1

    - (4) 45-min 1:1 in-person sessions to address whatever mobility issues you're having at the time
    - (4) 10-min phonecalls (or zoom calls if you prefer video) the week prior to your scheduled in-person session, to voice those issues and ensure efficiency of the clinical session
    - Priority scheduling (no "walk-ins," but you'll get 1st pick of avail times during your preferred week).
    - Freedom to space out visits to suit your needs (must be used within 1 yr of purchase)
    - 10% off all PT plan of care packages

    Tune-up Tribe Benefit 2

    - 1-year access to ALL content of the monthly online Wellness Warrior membership program!! Videos on strength training, yoga, breathwork, and balance/equilibrium training, gut-healthy recipes and shopping lists, orthopedic hacks to manage common ailments, tips to improve sleep, balance hormones, and reduce stress, anatomy facts/mythbusters, food/activity tracker, (Valued at $588, this bonus is a TOTAL STEAL).

    Tune-Up Tribe Benefit 3

    - A customized "roadmap" to help guide you in healthy movement  progression throughout the year.  We all WANT to move well, but because many of us need direction,  we get stuck in the mud and don't really get started (we procrastinate, make excuses, or give up completely), OR we "guess" and TRY to exercise, but end up irritating something, and we're back to square 1.  Let us point you in the right direction and keep you focused, with regular check-ups when you need them.

    Tune-Up Tribe Benefit 4

    - Entry into our Private Direct PT Wellness Warrior Facebook Group where you can interact with others, share resources (info on local "wellness"-type events/promotions, fun recipes, health tips, organize "buddy walks," etc), motivate one another, and ask general questions.
    - Refer-a-friend bonus items from local businesses.  

    invest in your health

    Straight From Dr. Lycans...

    Take care of your body.  It's the only one you've got!  While we do tend to become less resilient as we age, it doesn't mean we can't train ourselves to move better when we're's just harder.  That said, NOW is the time to FIND YOUR WHY...WHY is it important for your body to move well?? What do you risk losing if it doesn't???
    It's HARD putting ourselves first.  We feel GUILTY spending $ on ourselves when we know it could be spent elsewhere.  Here's the reality: HEALTH IS YOUR GREATEST ASSET.  If you don't have it, it's pretty hard to do the other important things in life.  You might be surprised how much room you could make in your budget if you took 3 months and cancelled cable, packed your lunch for work, consolidated some errands, traded services with others on household projects, babysitting, etc.  "Where there's a will, there's a way..." 

    So, what's your Why???

    You want to be active with your kids/grandkids - play with them, lift them?  Successfully and comfortably perform all your job duties?  Travel as you age?  Avoid surgery?  Reduce risk of re-injury?  Walk/run with your spouse, or your dog?  Get off medications?  Sleep better?  Continue living independently without fear of falling?  Navigate steps with confidence?  Work in your yard, or on the farm?  Participate in church activities?

    Our "WHY" is the reason we do what we do.  Sometimes we need to re-evaluate: do our actions support our "WHY"???


    Let us help you achieve your "WHY"

    it's not too late to change course if you're derailed

    Everything You Need

    "Tools in your toolbox," right?  Save yourself the guesswork of deciphering the importance of flexibility vs strength training, whether or not you should do squats with "bad knees," or how you might begin to manage stress.

    All In One Spot

    We all like convenience, right?  4 sessions, efficient and when you need them.  A guided roadmap, updated after each session to keep you on track.  All kinds of wellness content/support coming each month at your fingertips.

    To ensure you're the healthiest version of yourself, Today!

    It's up to you how much time/effort you invest with the content you're given,

    Right Now You Have Two Choices

    Option #1

    Do nothing.  Keep plugging along as you've been doing, maybe rely on that knee brace, pop some Ibuprofen a few days/week to keep things tolerable, avoid or limit those aggravating activities.  Get that cortisone injection when you need it.  Cut calories and hope you lose weight, hope you don't over-indulge and fall off the wagon when the urge strikes.  Keep having your spouse clip your toenails because you've got a bad hip and can't bend.  Skip those soccer games because you can't sit/stand long enough.

    Option #2

    Jump in and make your health/mobility a top priority - invest in yourself.  Have a longterm healthcare partner in your corner to guide you and help ensure your success, hold you accountable for your progress.  Get STRONGER, balance better, put better fuel in your body, have more energy, FEEL BETTER, and maybe even avoid (or at least postpone) that surgery you were considering.  Find/correct mechanical issues with your body BEFORE they become a problem - don't wait a month to see another specialist.  Network with others going through a similar journey.

    "All you need is the plan, the roadmap, and the courage to press on to your destination." - Earl Nightingale

    The biggest challenge to any goal is not knowing where to start, or how to get to the next step.  The goal of this unique hybrid program (of both in-person sessions and online support content) is to bridge that gap - to give you the TOOLS and the GUIDANCE to be the healthiest version of yourself, and it's a great value once you consider all the time/$ it would take you to bring all this at your fingertips on your own. 

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